So, what a fulfilling seven months that was. Madame Frankenstein ended this week, and so far, the response has been really good, despite our fears that our fully embracing the more horrific elements of the story might send people running. As one reader tweeted, it is a horror book, after all.

A particularly thoughtful piece at Major Spoilers really digs into the themes, the storytelling, and the art, summing up this way:


Madame Frankenstein #7 is the perfect ending to a delightfully unique comic series out of Image. It deserves to be read in full and the creative team deserves to have their work celebrated by all comic fans.

Unleash the Fanboy also really got into the more gruesome aspects of the outcome.


Jamie S. Rich is a really great writer. The spin that has been put on the old story is very refreshing and relevant to today’s society. It makes the reader ask questions and face those consequences with the characters. It’s what comic books should be doing!

Megan Levens has  a unique voice that is brought out through her art. She understands where things are suppose to go and how they are to play out. The emotions she conveys with the pictures are so inviting that you feel that your right there. It is really cool.


Coming Up Comics has been one of our most ardent supporters and weren't disappointed.


This is the hardest issue for me to review as I don’t want to give anything away about the grand finale for this amazing story that we’ve been loving. I will say that it’s a fantastic ending to the chapter of this story. As everything begins to unravel, we’re allowed to watch from a distance while horrific things happen and you’re left feeling that nothing was rushed as this story was perfectly paced and delivered to us.

More mixed over at Need to Consume, but the writer will come around and see it our way eventually. :)

The art work has reached an emotional level that does the characters and the greater narrative more justice. There is an energy to the figurative work that has been lacking in some of the previous issues. The reader can feel the pain as Gail strikes Vincent’s face and the disembodiment sequence is as graphically uncomfortable as any of the scenes in Shelley’s original novel.

We're scheduling the trade paperback for February. Issues 2-7 are in my store, though, and if you buy them all, I'll make sure you get a pdf of #1. Just sayin'. 


Current Soundtrack: Antony & the Johnsons, Turning